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  • Writer's pictureCoastal Orthodontics

Congrats! What to expect from your new braces...

What an exciting time! Your braces are on and you have started your journey to getting the smile you deserve!

Many people have several questions on what to expect when it comes to wearing braces. We are committed to patient comfort and a great patient experience. Here's what to expect:

Day of getting your braces: - Placing the braces is very straightforward. Once the brackets and wires are placed, you can eat and chew like normal; there should be no pain. As your mouth adjusts to the braces, your cheeks and teeth may start to feel sensitive. Avoid hard to eat foods and stick with foods that are easier to chew (mashed potatoes, macaroni, etc). You don't want to go on a strict "liquid diet" as you need to work your teeth out.

Day 3-5 after getting your braces:

- As your teeth get used to the realignment process, you may notice that your teeth are slightly tender...that is normal. As the teeth begin to move, you may also note that your bite changes and you may only touch on one or a few teeth...that is also normal.

- You may notice that your cheeks have adjusted to the braces as well. Orthodontic wax is placed over the bracket that is affecting the cheek to create a smoother surface and reduce any irritation.

Week after getting your braces:

- YOU'VE MADE IT! The initial discomfort should be gone by now and you should be used to having your braces. Eating hard foods may be tough and some tenderness may still be lingering so just use caution when eating.


In the event that you have any discomfort, over the counter medications used for headaches should help to alleviate any tenderness. Orthodontic wax will be your friend during the first few days following bracket placement. Warm salt-water rinses will help to heal any irritations.

As your teeth move, you may notice that a wire may poke your cheek or gums. If that is the case, CALL US as soon as possible so we can make you comfortable. If a bracket happens to pop off after the braces are placed, CALL US as soon as possible so we can put it back on.

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